Each year, quartets from the Saltaires chorus delivers hundreds of roses, boxes of chocolates and love songs to unsuspecting Valentines from Provo to Ogden. Our traveling quartets sing in any setting and location, in what often turns out to be a bashful but loving moment for the recipient.
At the grocery store? No problem!
In class at school? That’s the best time!
At the office? Oh yeah, you really should!
At home? You’re doing them a favor by not being in public, but yes!
This truly is a unique gift that creates sweet moments never to be forgotten! They will NOT forget this one!
Valentine’s Day is on
Fridayday, February 14th!
- Two love songs
- A personalized Valentine’s Day card
- One long-stemmed rose
- Extra rose, $5
- Two love songs
- A personalized Valentine’s Day card
- Hand-dipped chocolates
- Extra rose, $5
- Two love songs
- A personalized Valentine’s Day card
- A dozen long-stemmed roses
- Extra rose, $5
The Works
- Two love songs
- A personalized Valentine’s Day card
- Hand-dipped chocolates
- A dozen long-stemmed roses
To place your order please fill out the Order Details below.
You will then be redirected to the pay page.
If you have any questions, please send us an email: [email protected].
Step 1 - Order Details

Our services area is from Pleasant View
to Payson.